Body Piercings (Other)

Hi Everyone,

So, you probably know that there are SO many different places on your body that you can get pierced! This page will hopefully give you a better idea of some common piercings you can get done on other parts and what they are called. I originally tried to put ALL piercings on one page, but then thought it would be a lot easier to divide them into different pages.
Hope you enjoy!
Rebecca x

Please Note: I have not included genital piercings below due to discretion.

Body Piercings

This piercing sits at the base of the head, on the nape of the neck. They are most commonly surface piercings (such as the one pictured below) but bars can be used as well. If it is kept clean, they can take between 6 to 8 weeks to heal.

Neck (Vampire Bites)
Not to be confused with the nape piercings, this is another surface piercing and is placed on either side of the neck, similar to ho vampire bites look.They generally take between 6 weeks to 2 months to heal.

Is usually placed in between the nipples but can generally be placed in most areas on the chest. Can take between 6 to 8 weeks to heal.

This piercing goes through nipple tissue in any desired direction. They generally take between 3 to 6 months to heal if taken care of correctly.

Navel (Belly)
The navel piercing can sit in any direction but is most commonly found at the top. Multiple navel piercings are possible. Navel piercings are very tempremental, but if everything goes smoothly they should take between 2 to 6 months to heal.

Hip piercings are becoming more common today,and they sit on the front side of the hips, just before the hip bone. They are surface piercings and are very prone to rejection but can heal in as little as a month if all goes well.

The wrist is most commonly pierced at the back, but some piercings go through the tendon sitting on the inside of the wrist (as pictured below) The average healing time period for a wrist piercing is is about 4 to 6 weeks.

Finger and Toes
These piercings are very general, as the can sit pretty much anywhere from the skin between fingers, to even the tip. Finger piercings can be difficult to heal due to constant contact with everything, but if infection is avoided, they can take between 6 weeks to 6 months to heal.